GameDevCafé – Cat Cafe Manager Post Mortem

Café Fokus Koekoekstraat 25, Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands

  Join Roost Games, developers of Cat Cafe Manager, to learn about their experiences with their game's development and release, what the expectations were compared to the results, the team goals and if they are reached, and more!   Program 18:00 Walk in - Grab a bite (bring your own) 19:00 Talk with Roost Games 19:20...


GameDevCafé – MeetToMatch Evolution

Café Fokus Koekoekstraat 25, Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands

  MeetToMatch has changed the way we network. Join MeetToMatch co-founder Fedor van Herpen, who will tell us about the development of the platform, the past and future, how it changed, how they survived Covid and how he wants to transform the future of professional networking.   Program 18:00 Walk in - Grab a bite (bring...


GameDevCafé Presents: PUB QUIZ

Café Fokus Koekoekstraat 25, Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands

The first and only Game Pub Quiz in Utrecht! Do you think you know all about games past and present? Can you recognize a level soundtrack within the first few seconds? Name all NPCs? Point out a game by a screenshot? Then get your team together - or play solo - and test your game...


GameDevCafe – Work for Hire

Café Fokus Koekoekstraat 25, Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands

How do you acquire new projects, funding and players in and out of the video game industry? Ellis Bartholomeus and Michiel Sala have learned the ropes in the last two decennia. They will discuss the ups and downs of working with clients, stakeholders and end-users. Or in Michiel’s words: developing stuff for 100 euros an...


GameDevCafe – Playtesting

Café Fokus Koekoekstraat 25, Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands

Playtesting is probably the most fundamental skill a game dev needs to build a solid product. However, finding players is time-consuming and performing the test too. Gladly, at GameDevCafe you can always bring your first prototype and get some expert reviews from your peers. But what happens after? When should you listen to feedback, how...


GameDevCafé – De Zin en Onzin van 5G

Café Fokus Koekoekstraat 25, Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands

Hoe kan burgerwetenschap en spel helpen bij beter begrip en meer kennis over 5G? Op 8 maart gaan Professor Roel Vermeulen en Menno Deen hierover in gesprek. Tijdens het GameDevCafe in Café Fokus bespreken ze wat elektromagnetische velden zijn en welke invloed het zou kunnen hebben op onze leefomgeving. Na 20 minuten is er ruimte...


GameDevCafe – Play-Testing Night

Café Fokus Koekoekstraat 25, Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands

Join other game professionals and play each others games during the GameDevCafe Playtest-Night.
The concept is simple. Bring your game, on whatever device and in whatever stage of development. Buy a drink, show your game and receive feedback from fellow game professionals.
