Everyone with a ticket can come in.
- At 19:00 the VIP hour (19:00-20:00) starts. Typically, visitors represent platforms, investors, press and publishers.
- At 20:00 the doors open for 20h tickets. These are primarily peers from the industry.
- At 21:00 the doors open for 21h tickets.
- At 21:00 the doors open for everyone else. Due to safety reasons we can not allow everyone access. Full is Full.
The party is hosted by devcom. This means that all attendees of devcom are welcome too! We expect 2000-3000 game professionals!
The showcase is part of Devcom’s Developers Night party hosted in:
Herbrandstraße 21
50825 Köln GermanyFrom Koln Messe/Deutz take the S bahn (every 7 min)to Koln-Ehrenfeld (8min) and walk (10 min) to the venue.
- S19 to Düren
- S12 to K-Ehrenfeld
Bookmark this page or take the floor plan digitally with you to the venue. We won’t distribute the floor plan on-site.
- 18:00 Build up the venue. You can bring max 4 showcasers per showcase spot.
- 19:00 VIP hour.
- 20:00 20h tickets entree.
- 21:00 All tickets entree.
- 23:30 End of Show.
- 00:00 All gone.
What you get:
- 1 booth on a shared table. The venue claimed they could only put these big tables in the venue, because of safety issues. The images below show the available talbe which you will share with 6 other showcasers. We are unsure where to put your banner, but we’ll figure something out when we are there. You roughly have 90 cm by 50 cm to put down a screen or a laptop.
- 1 power socket per booth.
- 50 euro worth of drink tokens.
Make sure to bring your own gear!
- Extension cables (min 6meter)
- Additional power blocks.
- Headphones.
- Black tape to fix loose wires.
- Business cards / flyers of the game.
- A banner (max 0.80 x 2.00m). If you are traveling from abroad, we suggest you buy a 0.60 x 2.05 m banner. You can order them here: https://www.drukland.nl/drukken/rollup-banner
In the design, keep in mind, that your banner is most probably positioned behind the bar table. So make sure your important images are printed above 1.15 m. - One screen (max size = 42 inch). We don’t offer rental services for screen / monitors. Either bring one yourself, or buy one in Cologne.
Don’t bring!
- Additional screens.
- A projector.
- More than 1 banner.
if you bring these, you’ll not be allowed to set it up. - Stools or chairs. We can keep the showcasing spots this cheap, because we bring in a big crowd. This means there is no room for additional seating arrangements. Obviously if you have condition that does not allow you stand for 4 hours, you can bring your own stool.
Drink tokens are distributed on-site. These tokens are meant as ‘thank you’ for visitors. For them, the rule is: play a game and get a beer.
One drink ticket gives visitors a beer (imported / domestic), a soda, or a wine.
Share your experience
We will share pictures and of course, we’d love to see your experiences at Courage Cologne! Use the hashtag #couragecologne and:
Follow and share our socials:
- Share our posts on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events.courage
- Share our posts on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/courage.events/
- Post on Twitter & feel free to tag our accounts: @DeenMenno @romyhalfweeg
- Share our posts on Linked IN: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mennodeen/
- and use any other channel you know to make people aware of our event!