Are you ready for Courage Cologne 2024?!
There are various ways to join!
- As a visitor for FREE! Get your tickets from eventbrite / in the form below.
- As a VIP for FREE! Are you an investor, publisher, platform or press, sign up to get invited to the VIP hour here.
- As a sponsor. Sponsor a guaranteed spot at the showcase floor. As such you help to keep the price low for indie developers, and keep the party alive and kicking.
As a showcaser. Show your game to 4000 game professionals at the best pre-gamescom post-devcom party out there.
Apply to showcase!
deadline has passed! but you can still try! if a spot becomes available we’ll let you know
You can still apply for a spot on the showcase floor by completing the form below!
If your game is selected, you pay 200 euros and you’ll your receive:
A (shared) table and one power socket on the expo floor during devcom Developer Night (this is the devcom party, not the conference)
Access to the venue from 18:00 – 0:00
Access to the VIP hour (where you can show your game to publishers, investors and press)
€ 50 worth on drink tokens to hand out to players of your game (the rule is: play a game and get a drink)
You could join the waitlist. If a place comes up, I’ll let you know. Join the waitlist here: