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GameDevCafe – Playtesting

Café Fokus Koekoekstraat 25, Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands

Playtesting is probably the most fundamental skill a game dev needs to build a solid product. However, finding players is time-consuming and performing the test…


GameDevCafé – De Zin en Onzin van 5G

Café Fokus Koekoekstraat 25, Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands

Hoe kan burgerwetenschap en spel helpen bij beter begrip en meer kennis over 5G? Op 8 maart gaan Professor Roel Vermeulen en Menno Deen hierover…


GameDevCafe – Play-Testing Night

Café Fokus Koekoekstraat 25, Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands

Join other game professionals and play each others games during the GameDevCafe Playtest-Night.
The concept is simple. Bring your game, on whatever device and in whatever stage of development. Buy a drink, show your game and receive feedback from fellow game professionals.


GameDevCafe – Game & Activism

Café Fokus Koekoekstraat 25, Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands

How can games contribute or instantiate activism? Meggy Pepelanova and Joost Vervoort will discuss the merits of Games & Activism at the GameDevCafe of May!
